BIM Process Management

Delft railroad station – The Netherlands

Delft railroad station - The Netherlands

poorzone Delft was commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment to build two railroad tunnels, an (underground) station, several new office buildings, a new city hall and social housing projects. In the spring of 2015, the new railroad tunnel, city hall, bus square and (underground) station in Delft were completed.

Risk Management:
  • Establish and improve risk management by applying the Risman methodology
  • Organize risk management sessions with subcontractors and customer representatives (Delft municipality)
  • Risk analysis in quarterly reports (top 10, progress reports …)
  • Risk management in consultation with project managers and team members
  • Establishing a planning and schedule management method
  • Implementation of a planning and project management system
  • Development of different phase scenarios
  • Visualize and manage adjacent areas and the risks associated with tunneling
4D BIM model:

A highly abstracted 4D BIM reference model allows for better management and especially better communication of planned and current interventions.


Project in pictures

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BIM Process Management